Free Radicals are the result of the natural process of metabolism. Elements that are needed to form free radicals can be found in what we eat, breathe, and drink. These free radicals are essential as it plays an important role in converting food and air into chemical energy which is required for bodily functions. It also protects our immune system by attacking the foreign occupants (germs) flowing through the veins.

What is ORAC value and why do we need to consider the ORAC value in our food? A method developed by the scientist of (NIH) National Institute of Health and Aging, to measure the antioxidant level in different foods that we consume is the ORAC value. It is believed, the higher the antioxidant value in our food the better it helps in neutralizing free radicals.

What causes free radicals in our bodies? Free radicals are formed in our body by normal metabolic processes. When the body uses oxygen it creates free radicals as a byproduct causing damage. This is called oxidative stress. Also, exposure to pollution, unhealthy food habits, radiation, stress, cigarette smoke, drugs, and alcohol can form dangerous amounts of free radicals that can impact our bodies and cause some diseases as well as promotes aging.

An essential source of antioxidants is our diet. Sometimes, just our regular diet alone might not be sufficient to fulfill this need. On & On 9e5 is a health drink that is packed with our daily requirement of antioxidants & more. This supply of antioxidants will naturally enable the body to slow down cell damage. Green vegetables like spinach and kale can protect aging eyes from developing cataracts. Cauliflower, turnips, and cabbage contain phytonutrients that reduce the risk of cancer. Yellow, orange, and red-pigmented fruits and vegetables like carrots, mangoes, tomatoes, and watermelon contain powerful antioxidants that protect the immune system and also help fight cancer. Purple and blue fruits and vegetables like grapes, beets, and plums are rich in anthocyanin which may help prevent heart diseases. Such fruits and vegetables particularly the ones which are high in ORAC value help in a significant increase of anti-oxidants in the body.

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