The Golden Spice

“The golden spice,” as it’s referred to, is a plant, with its origins from southwest Asia and India. One of the most common kitchen spices. The active component in turmeric is curcumin, which has a natural peppery and mustard smell. Turmeric has been used for over 2500 years in India, originally as a dye. Its natural and bright yellow color makes it popular as a natural dye. It has become the key ingredient for many Indian, Persian and Thai dishes, not only in curry. It adds a subtle soft and refreshing color to the food. Although used in cooking for several thousand years, turmeric continues to surprise in terms of its wide-ranging health benefits. The powdered root is used in not just oriental herbal medicines but in Ayurveda as well for several hundred years. While once focused on anti-inflammatory benefits, decreased cancer risk, and support of detoxification, studies on turmeric intake show improved cognitive function, blood sugar balance, and kidney function.

The use of turmeric in recipes can help retain the beta-carotene in certain foods. For example, one study has shown that the beta-carotene in carrots and pumpkins are maintained when those vegetables are processed using recipes that include turmeric. Adding turmeric to our daily diet promotes the successful functioning of each system — complete balance and digestion of food. It Increases energy levels. Bile production is balanced. The rate at which calories burn is higher. All of these benefits lead to increased fat burn. People taking long term strong medication for health reason are prone to hurt their liver, in such cases including turmeric can help a lot. Turmeric has strong antioxidants properties this can prevent or slow damage due to free radicals. These are unstable molecules that the body produces as a reaction to environmental and other pressures. Its anti-oxidant properties may stop the liver from being impacted by toxins.

Turmeric is full of antibacterial properties, which make it an effective treatment for acne and pimples. One more massive benefit of turmeric is its brightening powers. Turmeric and lemon are a winning combination when it comes to skin lightening. Our skin gets its color from melanin, which is produced by specific cells. When these cells become damaged or unhealthy, it affects the melanin production and causes pigmentation. Turmeric absorbs into the skin and breaks down the melanin, while lemon juice acts as a bleaching agent.  Turmeric also helps with skin elasticity, which gets hugely impacted because of the UV exposure causing premature aging, fine lines, and wrinkles. Turmeric additionally has natural oil-controlling properties, which assist cut back pimples breakouts. It improves wound therapeutic by modulating collagen and reducing reactive oxygen species. It additionally minimizes scarring..

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